Mr. Casson, there's probably nothing worse for a member of Parliament than to be thrown with his or her bill before a committee, many of whom are lawyers, who will nitpick until the cows come home. So I don't doubt for a moment the good intentions behind this legislation, which has been adopted by the House at second reading. And I think we can see its intention from the wording. But I do have a few questions just to rough out some concerns. They probably aren't major concerns. Mr. Comartin has addressed one of them.
Another one that I have is that the wording in the statute appears to place a burden on a judge. It says that a judge “shall...ensure”. Was it your intent in drafting this that the burden actually be on a judge, that irrespective of the positions of either of the parties or any of the applicants, a judge on his or her own initiative would have to take the steps to either impose or ensure access?