Yes, one issue is that we feel that if one of the parents becomes terminally ill, this changes the circumstances. So that should offer the opportunity to go back to the courts and say that things have changed, that this parent has a very short period of time to live so they'd like to have access if none is granted, or, as you say, maybe even give more.
On the other issue, if for some reason that access has been denied, if for some reason the court felt strongly enough to say that one parent should not see this child, that has to be considered. This doesn't outweigh anything. This is just part of the total package. I am comfortable with that. If for some reason, whatever it was--we can speculate--if there was abuse or whatever, there is no way a court could force that child to go to see that parent. I don't think they would. But this is just another consideration for them to have when they're dealing with this.