We've been clear about this today: when we say street gangs, it's no longer just Haitians who are in question, but all youths.
We have to start intervening with youths from the age of five or six, when they haven't yet understood that, since one clan doesn't like them too much, they should turn to the other one. At that age, children are with their parents. The role that parents play shouldn't be forgotten. Parents also have to be trained to enable them to understand what their children are going through. This is the perfect age to supervise youths. If you observe what happens in the school yards, you'll see that youths of five or six are already leading the group. We find that harmless because they're five or six years old, but they already know that they have friends, that they're the ones who are leading and that they are stronger. This way of doing things starts there and is transposed to the secondary level.
When youths start secondary school, I've realized that it is unfortunately too late because theirs minds are already formed. They already know that there's something, an attraction that makes them think they can become this or that. However, at five or six, they don't yet have that attraction and can still listen to what their parents tell them.