No, I wouldn't say they acquired chapters in Ontario because they felt pressure in Quebec. The effort had begun much earlier. In fact, there were a couple of members of the Quebec Nomads chapter who were actively recruiting all across Canada to try to get other biker clubs to patch over and become Hells Angels. Another thing is that when we made our effort against bikers in Quebec, the result was that most of those we charged were put in jail; so they weren't pushed out into other provinces.
But I think the proper attitude to take is not to ask who is to blame and which province is responsible. I think the proper attitude is that we have to work together all across Canada, because most of these organizations are national and international in character; they have members all across the country and they share information and resources, and we have to do the same if we're going to counteract their activity effectively.
Because of that, I have been cooperating as much as I can with people involved in prosecuting organized crime across the country. I have given lectures to organized crime prosecutors in Vancouver. I have had regular meetings with prosecutors in Ontario. We have contact with the prosecutors in other provinces. And we're presently setting up a website where all prosecutors in organized crime will be able to share information, to be right at the cutting edge of organized crime prosecution.
A lot of efforts have been made and we have to continue in that same direction.