If I could just make a point, if you run a police force similar to the way you run a business, budgets are crucial. So when officers come to me and say look, we've got a major project we would like to do, we listen to the project. The first thing, one of my deputies pulls out of his desk a budget sheet to ask, do we have funds? Does our criminal investigative fund allow for that? And if it doesn't, it doesn't get done. It just doesn't.
So funding is a never-ending issue, and then we look to our partners. The RCMP have been very good. We partner with them and the organized crime agency, or CFSEU, to get projects done. But funding is a never-ending issue. That's why any increase in officers, be it at the provincial level, anywhere, is an issue, because every nickel I spend in Vancouver comes from city tax dollars. That's all. I get no other funds from anywhere else.