For good reason, because I know what the purpose of this bill is, and when some lawyers begin talking about it being a communication factor or something, suddenly I get nervous. Are they making light of this whole situation when they get into those kinds of conversations? Basically you're going after a person because of a conversation, and I think we all understand the purpose of this luring activity. I think we all understand that it has a purpose of no good.
Mr. Fast, you may be aware that I've been trying for 13 years to get some fast, hard action against child pornography, and every time we seem to be moving in that direction through legislation.... I've had private member's bills, but I'm one of those unfortunate guys who never gets his name drawn.
Then some judge makes a decision that there could be some artistic merit, so it gets watered down a little. And then they come out a little later and they throw in the words “public good” or “useful purpose”, because they're so afraid that whatever legislation they present won't meet the charter test. Yet the purpose of getting rid of child pornography has nothing to do with the charter, as far as I'm concerned. It has everything to do with protecting children against this evil deed. And luring is an evil deed.
I'm not so sure that luring an 18-year-old should be legal. What's the purpose of luring except that usually it's no good? If you're luring an 18, or 19, or 20-year-old, I think the same purpose is probably in the back of their minds, these people who have no better way of so-called communicating than that method. Common sense tells me that this activity itself is not a good practice, and that it leads to no good. But I'm quite certain that if you brought in legislation that made it so you couldn't do it with 18- or 19-year-olds, then there would be something that would say it wouldn't meet the charter test because of certain rights.
That's how I feel about this whole picture of trying to do the right thing, and you get little comments that worry me, not that I disagree that Mr. Lee has a point to make. I understand the point, but is that really a concern of mine? Not a bit. Is that the concern of the public? No. Is that the concern of parents? No. They want action to protect their kids. They don't care about the little communicating difficulties or whatever.
I wish we would get the courage to say that we are going to start bringing down the hammer on these people, because luring has an intent, and that intent is to harm someone, whether it be an adult or a kid, but particularly kids.
I'm wondering how you feel about my unlawyerly opinion.