I think Mr. Lee used an appropriate synonym. It involves the communication for the purpose of committing a number of sexual offences, and actually there's an abduction offence included there as well, if you look at the Criminal Code.
Luring is an attempt to communicate with children by means of a computer, typically the Internet, in order to establish a relationship with that child, usually a relationship of trust. These children typically find themselves in situations where they may be looking for friendship. They may be looking for someone to trust. They may be in home situations that are not necessarily as supportive as they should be. So the predators use this technology to gain the trust of that child to start communicating through sexual banter, and typically photographs may be sent over the Internet. Then eventually an attempt is made to lure that child out of the home for a rendezvous where the predator would obviously sexually abuse or exploit that child.
That's my understanding of what would typically happen in a luring offence.