The range of sentencing at present, with the short history that the offences had in the Criminal Code, is between six months and two years of imprisonment, in some cases with conditional sentences and in some not. So we don't have a long enough history where we can say the courts have been trying to impose higher sentences but have been constrained. We haven't had any repeat offences. We've had only one situation, as far as I know, where there was a luring offence coupled with a number of other sexual offences, such as sexual interference. In that case, the individual received a total of three and a half years. But again, we haven't had a Peter Whitmore charged with a luring offence yet. And if someone like that were to come forward after having served many years in prison and still indicate recidivism, at that point we would need some tool available, especially since it's not only our children who are at risk, it's mentally disabled children.
We have some cases here. There's one case, Regina v. Deck, that involved a 13-year-old girl. Not only was she a minor, but she had some mental disabilities, which this predator, again, exploited for his own ends.