My concern is that we'd have a judge view Internet luring as a serious personal injury, which would invoke the section--if he or she made that determination--and then it would prevent the use of conditional sentences. I'm a believer that in the proper set of circumstances, conditional sentences, and the treatment that oftentimes goes with those sentences, is one of the significant ways we can deal with the first-time offender in particular.
I wonder if you've looked at this section from that vantage point. I haven't had an opportunity to review cases to see. But knowing the creativity of both our crown and defence lawyers in the country, I can see a crown at some point asking the court to make a determination that luring is a serious personal injury offence, in the sense of the psychological impact it has on a young person, and prevent the judge from using the conditional sentence.
I just wondered if you'd done any research on that aspect of it.