Mr. Chairman, the preamble isn't going to be a part of the final outcome here, in the sense that changes to the Criminal Code are going to sit in the Criminal Code without the preamble.
Most of the bill has not been passed.
In recent years, a preamble has been inserted almost solely for the purpose of being a charter lubricant, and while there may have been some charter issues on the edges with some of these proposed amendments to the Criminal Code, for the sections that have been passed, I can't see anybody saying there's a charter problem. So the charter lubrication objective isn't there.
I don't see the need for the preamble. In the present case, maintaining the preamble is perhaps an advertisement for what's not in the bill any more, and while the government members might think that's a good idea, I don't. So I would be opposed to adopting the preamble.