With respect to the motion, I would like to get back to one point. Mr. Lee made a comment which leads me to wonder what the rules are regarding the tabling of motions, and whether they have a main or accessory purpose.
I've conducted research. I prepared information for everyone, in English and in French. I asked the House to give me the information I needed and I consulted two up-to-date sources, the Beauchesne and the Marleau Montpetit. What Mr. Lee said led me to this study. He said that the House gives orders to the Standing Committee on Justice. They are referred to as orders of reference. Section 108(2) of the Standing Orders clearly indicates that the House refers orders of reference to committees, as in the case of Bill C-22, C-18 and all other bills which we consider in committee. There are no motions attached to orders of reference. We may introduce motions on a bill itself.
For instance, we may introduce motions to hear from witnesses or motions to amend a bill. All of that is provided in the regulations. Nowhere is it mentioned that a motion whose main purpose has not yet been approved by the House can be adopted in committees. Otherwise, we would have more authority here than would the House of Commons itself. The House sends us an order of reference and we, working together in agreement, could somehow decide to set aside the House's standing orders! The House sends us orders of reference. The House is our boss and committees are creatures of the House. We focus on a given department.
I'm going to have these documents circulated so that you may consult the research I did yesterday evening, thanks to Mr. Lee who had me working all night. First, I'll give you a copy of the Standing Orders.