The fraud offence is quite broad-based and covers a great deal of ground. It's the most commonly used offence whenever any kind of fraudulent activity is involved. There are a number of more specific offences in the Criminal Code that deal with activity of a fraudulent nature, but for the most part the police and crown attorneys dealing with this find that the fraud offence is broad enough that it covers the vast majority of cases they encounter. They tend to use it more often than the more specialized offences.
It simply covers:
Every one who by deceit, falsehood or other fraudulent means, whether or not it's a false pretense...defrauds the public or any person, whether ascertained or not, of any property, money or valuable security or any service.
So it's a very broad-based offence that covers fraud in a very wide sense.
Personation is a somewhat more specialized offence and involves fraudulently personating any person, living or dead. Now there is pretending to be that person, but it is a fairly broad purpose, if you will, in that it is “with intent to gain advantage for himself or another person” or “with intent to obtain any property or an interest in any property, or with intent to cause disadvantage to the person whom he personates or another person”. It covers a very broad range of intents in pretending to be someone else.