I'll take your second question first.
The data bank was set up to separate any personal information from the genetic information. In fact, the information resides in two separate indices. The genetic information resides within the National DNA Data Bank. A genetic profile is just a series of numbers, and attached to that is a bar code, and the people who work with that information have no other information on the individual from whom the DNA profile came. The fingerprints, address, and personal description are all contained within our criminal records area in another building within the RCMP complex. In fact, the staff from each area do not comingle. We have taken measures to ensure that the data bank, the unit that I described earlier, is actually removed in its governance structure from the governance structures of either of those other two entities, whether it be Forensic Laboratory Services or the criminal records area. Also, there is legislation that guides us in the retention of personal information and genetic information.
Your first question had to do with comparing DNA samples. Again, I'd like to draw the distinction between the DNA data bank and Forensic Laboratory Services. Forensic Laboratory Services are the people, if I can say, who are at the pointy end of the law enforcement stick. They work with the investigators to try to make matches at a crime scene, whether it be to match a crime scene to a crime scene or to match a crime scene to a suspect. Some of those samples end up in the National DNA Data Bank. For instance, if an offender is convicted, that sample could go into the National DNA Data Bank for designated offences. The non-suspect DNA from crime scenes would go into the crime scene index.
If there is going to be a match...I'll give you a scenario. There's an investigation. There's been bloodletting, and the investigators collect blood from a crime scene and bring it in to be analyzed by one of our forensic labs in the field, right across Canada, whether it be a provincial lab or the federal labs. That genetic profile is then searched against the convicted offender profiles within the data bank and also against the other non-suspect crime scene samples within the data bank to see if there's a hit with either one. That's a scenario that could be used to link the labs across Canada with the DNA data bank.