I'm going to start with Professor Grammond, whose erudition and teaching ability I am familiar with since he was my professor not long ago. I hope no one will view that as a conflict of interest, since I have no judicial aspirations.
I am interested in page 9 of your brief. Ultimately, the committee wants to know two things. First, why is it not desirable for a particular interest group to have a reserved seat in the consultation process? You seem to be proposing that Parliament itself could ultimately be involved in the appointment process. I would like you to explain to us what you have in mind. We have nothing against police officers or any professionals whatever. That's not what is in question; you clearly state that in your brief. But why is it not desirable to appoint police officers to these committees?
I'd also like Mr. Russell to return to the subject. What is the meaning of the proposal on page 9 of your brief?