I'd like to respond to that, Mr. Moore.
This is what we've been hearing over and over as we were doing the surveys and reading the e-mails that have been coming into our office like a flood in the last eight days: youth want to be protected. This is the implicit underlying common denominator.
The statistics were overwhelming, even to us. We weren't expecting to have statistics that high: 92% of young people said they would not have the confidence to resist somebody who was more than five years older and who was pressuring them to have sex, even against their will. This is coming from the mouths of the youth. Really, that is our concern.
What about these young ones who are between the ages of 14 and 16? We know from word on the street--and we've heard the testimony of the RCMP and I believe it was the Ontario police board that was here--that this is the age range where young people--children, according to the UN definition--are being targeted. We absolutely must do something to create a safe Canada for these young ones and at the same time help educate them to make the right decisions.