Nothing. With great respect, first of all, the Criminal Code provides under section 718—and it's the law—that jail should be the last resort. That's the law, and I don't want to get into a debate with Justice Craig about whether judges are too soft or whatever, because at the end of the day, Justice Craig has said that we need tougher judges.
In answer to your question, sir, there is nothing the matter with the system if we embrace the system. If, for instance, the Prime Minister had said we have a very good criminal justice and federal justice system in the country, but he would like to maybe introduce police officers on the committees to broaden the perspective, we wouldn't be here.
So there's nothing the matter with it. The matter is the politics that are built into it. There was some criticism suggesting that Liberal-appointed judges or whatever-appointed judges were thwarting government agendas and we're not getting it and not applying the law and not being tough on law and order. That's anecdotal stuff. We all know that there are judges who are tough and judges who are perhaps lenient, but we're not going to get into anecdotal stories. There's nothing the matter with the system. There's nothing the matter with it.