My next question is for the Canadian Bar Association.
Earlier on, a very relevant question was asked. There is a difference between a five-year close-in-age absolute rule and a presumption. The presumption would be that we will presume that an adult, say a 22-year-old, going out with a 14-year-old girl, is exploiting her.
What distinction do you make? Would it make things easier? We do not want to complicate everybody's life nor spend all of our time before the courts trying to reverse the presumption. Do you understand what I'm trying to say? I would like to know whether or not it would be preferable to keep an absolute rule.
Earlier on, a question was raised—and I haven't yet thought about it—about presumption. We cannot forget that presumptions would open the door quite wide. You know what an irrefragable presumption is, and God only knows how many problems we've had before the courts because of this notion.
Could someone from the Canadian Bar Association, without giving legal advice, provide us with some guidance? Have you thought about this?