I'll just add my comments in here as well. In the vast majority of cases, it should be illegal. There are perhaps the odd extenuating circumstances, and perhaps the point Mr. Trudell has raised would deal with that. But if we're going to have a number, five years seems like a reasonable number to at least start the debate on and to substantiate the law into it at that point.
My colleague Mr. Gratl has raised a point as well in terms of sexual exploitation in the family, versus outside of the family. His point is valid as well. There are some certain academic issues happening within the family. There are also laws dealing with that at this particular point, and maybe they need to be strengthened. That's something this committee could be looking at in the future as well.
We do know, however, that sexual exploitation has risen dramatically in the last twenty to thirty years, between predatory adults and teenagers. I think that's what this bill is addressing. It's not addressing morality or whether kids should have sex or not. It's addressing how we enforce the law and make the laws tougher on adult sexual predators who prey on our youth and teens.