Okay, that's it. Gotcha.
In terms of sexual assault, the general provision involving sexual assault and the age of consent, I realize there are other sections of the code dealt with in this bill that will provide additional protection to 14- or 15-year-olds, but strictly in relation to the sexual assault provision, from where we take this consent. That's why we're using the consent concept; that's where it comes from, because in the other sexual offences, consent is not an issue or not usually an issue, so the sexual assault section deals with and involves a complainant. You have to have a complainant of that age. In the event we don't have a complainant, in the event 14- or 15-year-olds say they are not complainants, regardless of what you say, this is a real relationship, and they are not complainants. My question is, does the whole protection fail for those 14- or 15-year-olds if they say they are not complainants? The section does use the concept of complainant.