I have just one more, Mr. Chair.
To the Bar Association, this is a potential charter challenge coming from the gay, lesbian, and transgendered community. This is the argument that I've heard, that because of that culture, separate from the heterosexual community—I want to say to you I haven't accepted this argument, but I've heard it, and I'm just wondering if you've had an opportunity to hear it and consider it, whether it is a concern we should have. The argument is that within that culture it is more common for the age to be greater than five years where there is sexual contact between the two partners—consensual, but greater than five years.
Have you heard the argument?
And then the argument is that at some point we'll put demographics in front of a court showing that it's a different culture, so it's discriminatory within that culture; therefore, this section will get struck down, at least with regard to gay, lesbian, and transgendered community members.