Thank you.
On the same point, I want to support the amendment, obviously because it's the same as mine, but also on the same argument that we've heard from Ms. Jennings. It is clearly within the scope of this legislation.
We're dealing with legislation that is going to alter the age of consent in this country, and in a significant way, quite frankly. This section of the code is simply another section that deals with the age of consent with regard to a specific sexual activity, and it is in contradiction—and I think that's the important point—to what we are doing in the balance of this bill.
If anything, by passing this bill, we re-emphasize section 159 as being out of keeping with what we're doing in the balance of the bill. From that perspective, the amendment is within the focus of the bill.
I think it's our responsibility, as legislators, to not pass laws that are going to produce this kind of very extreme contradiction, where we're raising the age on one side and retaining an even older age on another issue.
I want to support the amendment as being in order, and then deal with it subsequently.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.