Mr. Chairman, with your permission, I'll make my address in English because that's easier for me.
Mr. Chairman, I appreciate the invitation to appear before this committee to share with the committee my views on the changes to the judicial appointments advisory committees introduced late last year and early this year by the Harper government, and on the changes that, in my view, are essential if federal judicial appointments are to be based exclusively on a merit basis and not on extraneous and irrelevant factors.
I've read the evidence given before this committee by Professor Sébastien Grammond and Professor Peter Russell. I fully agree with them that the unilateral changes made by the Harper government to the composition of the advisory committees and the assessments to be made by the committees are quite incompatible with the merit-based system of appointments and they will only further diminish public confidence in the integrity of the appointment process.
However, it is a serious mistake to assume that the advisory committee system was working well before the Harper government introduced its changes and that the present government is responsible for all the problems that have arisen. The truth is that the pre-Harper advisory committee system was deeply flawed because of the following reasons.
First, the advisory committee system, introduced in 1985 by the Mulroney government, and continued by the Chrétien and Martin governments, was only a screening system. Contrary to the recommendations of the Canadian Bar Association and the Canadian Association of Law Teachers, the advisory committees were not involved in the actual filling of vacancies and were not entitled or required to provide the federal government with a short list of the best-qualified candidates to fill the vacancies. Consequently, despite the introduction of the advisory committees, political patronage and political favouritism continued much as before.
Second, circumscribed as the roles were, the advisory committees were not involved and are not now involved in any meaningful way in reviewing applications for lateral promotions from provincial courts to provincial superior courts, in promotions from the trial superior courts to appellate courts, and in appointments to the Federal Court of Canada and, at least until very recently, in appointments to the Tax Court of Canada. Just as importantly, the advisory committees play no role in the appointment of chief justices of the provincial superior and appellate courts.
Third is the fact that the advisory committees are not required to interview applicants for appointments and are not required, indeed it seems not permitted, to publish an annual report whether on a provincial or national basis about their work and experiences. Also, it seems applicants for appointments are not advised of the results of their applications and therefore, of course, have no recourse if the advisory committee reviewing the application did not find the candidate of acceptable quality.
In short, Mr. Chairman, there is no more transparency and accountability in the operation of advisory committees than there is in the actual appointments made by the federal government. And if I may add here, I think what the Chief Justice has just told us exactly confirms what I have said about the problems he encountered in trying to ascertain how the committees worked and practised.
One of the ostensible reasons for the appointment of the advisory committees was to eliminate political patronage and to make merit the basic yardstick for the appointment of judges. There is strong, if not conclusive, evidence that this hope has not been realized. The CBA report previously referred to gave its own assessment of the continuing role of political patronage as of 1985. Similarly, Professor Peter Russell and I, in an empirical study we published in 1991 of judicial appointments made by the Mulroney government between 1984 and 1989, found that nearly half of the appointees had political connections to the Conservative Party at the time of their appointment.
Things did not improve during the Chrétien and Mulroney eras—I'm trying to be impartial, Mr. Chairman. Disclosures during the Gomery inquiry prompted several reporters working for the Ottawa Citizen to conduct an investigation to determine to what extent federal appointees to the bench had made contributions to political parties. Their findings were that more than 60% of the 93 lawyers who had received judicial appointments in Ontario, Alberta, and Saskatchewan since 2000 had made donations exclusively to the Liberal Party in the three to five years preceding their appointments.
Allow me also, Mr. Chairman, to draw the committee's attention to the important and comprehensive study of donations to political parties during the Mulroney and Chrétien eras made by three political scientists—Professors Riddell, Hausegger, and Hennigar—the results of which will shortly be published in the University of Toronto Law Journal. In my written submission I reproduce a table prepared by these authors of political donations made by future judges during the second period of the Mulroney regime and the three terms of office of Prime Minister Chrétien. What they show is that overall, of all the appointments made during this period, 30.6% are probably donors to the appointing government and only 5% of all the appointees had made political contributions to another party.
It's not difficult to see why, from the beginning of Confederation, successive federal governments have valued so highly the political patronage attached to judicial appointments. The Harper government is no different in this respect from its predecessors.
As of March 1 of this year, there were 1,052 active and supernumerary judges appointed by the federal government and 50 vacancies. About 50 federal judicial appointments are made each year. Judicial appointments are much sought after. The pay is very good—much better, I might add, than law professors' pay. The retirement and pension entitlement is probably the best in the public sector, and a federal judgeship is very prestigious. Judicial appointments also offer an attractive career path for a lawyer tired of the demands of private practice or wishing to play a more public role. Is it cynical to suggest that only overwhelming public pressure or a series of disastrous appointments could persuade federal politicians to surrender such valuable patronage plums?
In my view, a two-step solution is essential to put federal judicial appointments solidly on a merit-based footing, free from political interference and ideology. Here again I find myself in full agreement with Professors Grammond and Russell. The first essential step is to enshrine the judicial appointments process in legislation so that it will be transparent and clear for all to see and cannot be changed without parliamentary debate and approval. I cannot sufficiently stress the importance of legislation being adopted. Without it, all other recommendations of this committee will fall on deaf ears, as has happened so often before.
The second step is for the legislation clearly to spell out the composition of the advisory committees and their precise roles. This role should be not merely to screen and evaluate applicants for appointments, but also to provide the federal government with a short list of highly qualified and not just acceptable candidates from which the federal government, absent special circumstances, will be required to choose one when a vacancy needs to be filled.
As a model to be followed on these points, my preference is for the Ontario provincial judicial appointments advisory system, whose structure and operations were well described in Professor Russell's evidence before this committee. Just as important, Mr. Chairman, the mandate of the federally appointed committees must be extended to cross appointments, promotions of judges to a higher court, and the appointments of chief justices, as I previously mentioned. To the best of my knowledge, no rational reasons have ever been advanced as to why the role of the advisory committees should not be extended into these areas.
In his testimony before the committee, Professor Grammond touched on some important constitutional issues. I agree with him that section 96 of the Constitution Act does not preclude the establishment of statutory advisory committees. The same assumption was made by the Canadian Bar Association and CALT committees in making their recommendations in 1985.
I would also argue that in determining how far the federal government’s appointing powers can be circumscribed by legislation, attention should be paid to the provisions of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, notably the non-discrimination provisions in section 15 of the charter, as well as the long-established doctrines of judicial independence and tenure, as enshrined in section 99 of the Constitution Act and the unwritten principles of the Canadian Constitution.
I agree with Professor Grammond that there is a linkage between these provisions and section 96 that must temper and inform the exercise of the federal appointing powers. If necessary, the federal government should refer these issues to the Supreme Court of Canada for the court’s opinion on the constitutionality of the proposed statutory powers of the advisory committees that I have recommended.
Section 96 of the Constitution Act is a carry-over from the pre-Confederation colonial regime and reflects, I believe, an obsolete and unidimensional view of the role of the federal government in the making of judicial appointments. It should not have been adopted in its existing form to begin with.
Regrettably, an important opportunity was missed to democratize the provisions in 1982. However, it is not too late to do so now. Section 44 of the Constitution Act, 1982, grants the federal government the power, subject to sections 41 and 42 of the act, to “make laws amending the Constitution of Canada in relation to the executive government of Canada or the Senate and House of Commons.”
Section 44 appears to have been used very little so far, and there is some doubt about what falls under the heading of “executive government”. Nevertheless, I believe strongly that an amendment to section 96 should be considered and, if necessary, a reference should be made to the Supreme Court for an opinion on the constitutionality of the proposed amendment to section 96.
So much time has been spent, for so many years, debating the system of appointment of judges that other equally important issues have been ignored. To offer just some examples, I point to the desirability of a system of probationary or part-time appointments for future judges, so successfully used in the United Kingdom for more than a century; tracking the performance of judges after their appointment; the merits of specialization among judges; and providing access to the justice system for the great majority of citizens with modest means.
Canada, it seems to me, needs an institute for the study of justice, in order to study these and many other issues important to the effective, fair, and efficient administration of justice. According to my estimate, the federal government spends a quarter of a billion dollars per year on judicial salaries and perquisites. It should therefore also be able to afford a few million dollars per year to sustain the kind of institute that I envisage for the study of these questions.
Mr. Chairman, complaints about abuses in the system of federal judicial appointments go back to the earliest days of Confederation. It is time to bring closure to the debate. One hundred and 40 years is long enough. The solution is there for all to see and has been adopted by several of the provinces in their respective spheres and by the United Kingdom in the constitutional reform acts of 2005. I respectfully urge this Committee to be firm in its recommendations that the federal government follow these precedents and that the highest priority be given to adopting the necessary legislation.