I understand, Professor, that you'd like to see some wholesale change to the whole process, and there's time for debate on that in the future. My point is that this is a relatively minor change, and the chief justice had mentioned that it goes to the perception, perhaps. As for the actual result, when we look, for example, at the appointments made to date under the previous system, there's no reason, we feel, to suggest anyone other than competent judges will continue to be appointed in the future.
While we're interested in hearing what people have to say on future and more wholesale changes, we see this as a progression. Changes have been made in the past and they'll continue to be made in the future, but it is a broadening of the input that the Minister of Justice can receive when it comes time to make these judicial appointments. There are those who see this as some kind of earth-shattering thing. Do you see it that way?
I understand that you'd like to see some major wholesale change. I read your brief, and you've set out some of the reasons you'd like to see that. As for those who would say this is some major change, we don't see it that way. We see it as continuing to appoint competent judges.
I'd like your comments on that.