If I may, just to correct, and not because I'm in opposition to what Mr. Moore is saying, from the information that Mrs. Morency gave us, there are several provinces where the exception to the legal age of marriage is that the girl has to be pregnant. There are several other jurisdictions that will allow for a marriage of an under-16-year-old for a variety of grounds, not just pregnancy. So this means that there would be situations where, if the girl is pregnant, and they can convince the judge, for instance, that when she became pregnant they were married, then the criminal activity has been exempted. In other cases, it may not be a pregnancy, it may be another issue, where the judge says yes, you can get married, and the criminal activity is exempted. And then you'll have other situations where they won't be able to convince a judge of marriage, for whatever reason, so the criminal activity is not exempt.