What Bill C-22 says is if you're under 16, if you're 14 or 15 years old, someone who's over five years older cannot have a sexual relationship with you. I guess from our perspective, the idea of creating an exemption because someone happened to get pregnant doesn't make a lot of sense.
Why should we treat a couple differently if there's a 27-year-old male and 15-year-old female, for example, and in one case the male is lucky enough that she is now pregnant, so he is exempted? To put those kinds of defences in I think would be too broad.
The practical reality is this law meshes very well with the provincial laws when it comes to marriage, in many cases. Also, with immigration, it's 100% consistent on the age of 16. In those situations where someone is under that age, in most cases the female would have to be pregnant, which means the offence has already taken place.