I'm not sure I will agree with that attempt at clarification, Mr. Bagnell. Certainly, I stand behind all the comments I make before the committee.
The addition of someone from the police is an additional voice on there. It represents an increase in the number of individuals who will sit on those judicial advisory committees. I think it is a good addition to them.
You're quite correct, the Minister of Justice can appoint other individuals from other backgrounds, including police. You could have two individuals, but having it formalized now so that someone from the police community—the law enforcement community—will be a member of those provides an additional voice, provides more people to them. I think, quite frankly, it's a system that will work and is working right now.
I say to individuals who don't want police officers to participate on this, give them a chance, and I think you'll be impressed by the results. I have found in my experience, in my lifetime as a lawyer, that those involved with policing in this country are just as dedicated, just as determined to have a judicial system that works in this country, and works well, as is anybody else, and that includes even lawyers and others. I have never doubted their commitment. So when this announcement was made, I saw the value in that.
I think the judicial appointments process is working and is working well. We are getting qualified, outstanding Canadians serving on Superior Court benches across this country.