I'll begin by announcing that I will be tabling an amendment as a result of what we heard from certain witnesses regarding the GPS, specifically, vehicle tracking warrants. You raised the issue of telewarrants, and this aspect would need to be harmonized with the one-year wiretapping warrant. In any event, I could send my amendment to the parliamentary secretary, who can show it to you.
With respect to the language of the accused, I would like to know whether this bill is supported by the Commissioner for Official Languages. He will be appearing before us tomorrow, but I would like to know whether he officially supports this bill.
Also, it seems to me that there may be some possible gaps in the bill, which is a concern. From my understanding, the bill would allow the prosecution, during the trial, to cross-examine a witness who does not speak the language of the accused. Will this type of provision now be authorized? What effect will this have on the requirement to provide interpretation services?