Thank you, Mr. Maloney, and thank you for your questions with respect to that provision.
When I did my own review, of course, of this bill, that was a section I was particularly interested in, just for some of the reasons I think you indicated. It gives the judge an option to try to get some help for the individual. And in direct answer to your question, I believe it would make a difference, and I think that's the intent behind the provision. If an individual receives the appropriate treatment--and I'll get into that or perhaps have Madame Desaulniers comment on that--I believe it would then, of course, be taken into consideration.
That's why there is the delay in the sentencing, quite frankly. If you were going to give the sentence to the individual and then try to get that individual some treatment, it seems to me you wouldn't have quite the incentive for the individual to try to get the help they need. So there is a provision, then, of course, according to this section, that would allow that. And I would expect the judge to take that into consideration.
With respect to some of the other aspects of your question, I'll ask Madame Desaulniers to further comment.