Well, I believe it is within your authority to extend the scope of the law in such a way as to require prior authorization from a judge. But first, there is a need to determine whether such a requirement is necessary and following that, whether it is desirable. Do we really want judges to be involved at that level in police operations related to organized crime, undercover investigations, and so on?
I don't know whether you are in favour of this or not. But I think it would probably be necessary to consult the RCMP on this. However, such authorization is not always necessary, in that the Supreme Court of Canada's decision in R. v. Campbell and Shirose, referred to the Regulations respecting the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.
The Supreme Court ruled that there was an established regime that did not require the prior authorization of a judge, but rather a certificate issued by a senior police official. This is an example of Parliament requiring a certificate issued by a senior official under regulations made by the minister. The Supreme Court looked at this, even though this was not a matter on which it was being asked to comment. As a result, its opinion could be deemed to constitute a ruling on the constitutionality of these provisions. At the same time, it did not take the time to state that it did not agree. It simply noted the existence of this regime. This is another regime that would be available.