Thank you, Mr. Lee.
I don't believe there are any other questions. I do have one final one.
Again, going back to the broad statements that were made, which I assume will guide your office, you are responsible for “addressing criminal issues, in the context of prosecutions to contribute to a safer world for Canada”. And of course the next point—and there's $5.1 million, I should say, allotted for these initiatives—is that you are responsible for “promoting a fair and effective justice system that reflects Canadian values within a prosecutorial context”.
Now, not too long ago, in the B.C. courts, all federal prosecutions of a number of drug cases were thrown out with one swipe of the brush because they had become backlogged in the courts, and nothing was pursued after that point. This goes back a few years ago—not too many—but that was not an uncommon affair. That was what the court decided, and those were drug cases.
Now, I know this is a new office, but I would assume that something like this would never happen again, now that your office is struck.