First of all, for the impairing levels of marijuana or other drugs, one of the problems they're running into is the same as we have with alcohol. Although the permissible level in Canada is 80 milligrams percent or 0.08, everybody is different. We have people who can be grossly impaired at 0.02, and cannot even be suspended in any province in Canada, and other people who show very little impairment at 200.
To try to use that with the number of drugs that are out there would be a nightmare. I think back to when I was working the streets as a traffic officer, and the number of impaireds. It was a constant battle, because trying to convince somebody that a person was impaired when their blood alcohol level was at or near the legal limit, compared to somebody who was at twice the legal limit...people think that twice the legal limit equals twice the impairment, and that's simply not the case. Everybody is different.