Thank you very much, Minister and Mr. Chairman.
I'll just ask the one question. You saw my pain as you were getting ready to pack your suitcases for your next important engagement.
It has to do with what I'll call the new possession offence in the bill. It's in clause 2 of the bill. The current Controlled Drugs and Substances Act has a possession offence in it, and it's used from time to time as necessary. The only thing is that the act does not make it an offence to possess schedule IV controlled substances, which are steroids and things like that.
Now we have, inserted into this bill, a possession offence involving care or control of a vehicle or vessel, even if it is not being operated, and it includes all of the schedules of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, so that what wasn't previously an offence of possession of drugs is now being made a drug possession offence in the Criminal Code, when it arguably, in the case of steroids, would have almost nothing to do with impairment of driving.
I'm curious about the policy reason for that.