I am asking the question because I have legal concerns as well. Let's say that everything you have stated is true. He fails the tests. You yourself don't know what the effects of cocaine are, compared to the effects of marijuana or to those of a different drug. Cocaine might enable a level of functioning that would surprise you. There are even business people who take it every day, carry on working, and who don't show the effects.
There is something I want to know. Let's say that everything is fine, and you take your future defendant to the station. Then, you ask the police to do five things. You can check the person's pupils. We have talked about five possibilities, including checking eye pupils. I'm trying to understand you properly. You plan to ask police officers to perform medical acts, something that could pose a problem. I hope you understand that.
If you cause some problem by looking into a person's eyes, or by checking a person's eyes, that person could sue you because you did something unacceptable. Do you feel everything has been covered? Did you talk to medical corporations about those five acts, or actions that could be taken? I would like you to list them and tell me whether you have checked everything properly.