I will try to respond to the first part of your question as to what this legislation will change. First of all, it will be mandatory to take part in roadside sobriety tests. Then, if a person fails the test and we know alcohol is not the cause of impairment because the person is under 0.08, the individual could be compelled to take the DRE tests. It is already being done, but on a voluntary basis. That is the major change which this new equipment will bring about.
You've also asked why we have not established limits for certain drugs, as we have done for alcohol. You will certainly be hearing from witnesses, experts in the field, but to my knowledge, given the variety of drugs available, scientists do not agree on the quantity needed to cause impairment. We cannot say how many nanograms of marijuana or cocaine are necessary to impair a person's abilities. That is unlike the blood alcohol concentration, which has long been established.