Thank you, Monsieur Ménard.
To be fair, you didn't get much on the bill itself because it's not what the question was directed towards. But that being said, I should indicate to you that as with all bills, this bill is respectful of provincial jurisdiction.
As you know, if a person is found with less than 80 milligrams of alcohol in his or her blood, for the most part, it is regulated by the province. I appreciate that in the province of Quebec there isn't a specific provision with respect to the 50 and 80 provisions. But there are nonetheless a number of provincial statutes on the books that, in my opinion, are actually complementary with respect to the Criminal Code powers.
With respect to your question and your example of a person driving down the street, we're not proposing any changes for the basis upon which you would be pulled over. The same indicia that are in place now as to when and how a police officer may pull you over would continue to apply.
With respect to the training and the individual, I'm going to ask for comments from Corporal Graham.
In my opening remarks, you heard about the regime we are suggesting be put in place. As I indicated to you, Canada is actually playing a bit of catch-up on this. We all recognize that it's not only alcohol; it's drugs and/or alcohol.