Given the points that Mr. Comartin, Monsieur Ménard, and I have made on the issue of whether or not certain amendments are admissible because they fall within the scope of the law, or not, and given the fact that there has been a real struggle within this committee on rulings by the chair as to whether or not certain amendments were admissible, and given the rulings that you've just made on a number of government amendments as being either within the scope of the law or clearly outside the scope of the law, and therefore admissible or inadmissible, I think it would be interesting for this committee, and enlightening perhaps, to actually have our experts--maybe even Monsieur Marleau--come and actually explain by what criteria.
It's not at all clearly explained. I think it might be useful to actually have a mini-course for the members of this committee. And then the committee could decide whether or not it felt that the jurisprudence that's provided in Marleau and Montpetit on the issue of whether it is in the scope or not and how one defines the scope.... If everyone is comfortable, then fine, it's done. If they're not, then this committee might decide that we wish to adopt a motion, to report it to the House suggesting changes to the actual rules, regulations, and procedures of the House.