I haven't actually thought about how it would work. Furthermore, I do not know exactly how this system works in those countries that have this kind of registry. I always have one foot on the brake when it comes to the detailed procedure involved. I would have to take a closer look at that. What is important to me is access to the registry and what could be done with it. I am always afraid it could go the other way and be used for other purposes.
I would like it to specifically serve to identify individuals who repeatedly drive impaired. Thought has to be given to some way of ensuring that authorities will have the right to ask them to take a test to determine whether they have a problem related to a dependency or some other problem, and to require them to receive treatment or take some sort of action, until there is proof that the problem has been resolved. I stress, once again, that this would only affect a small proportion of drivers. So, that is the reason why I was proposing two solutions.
I would just like to come back, once again, to what was said initially: the studies are very clear in that regard. As was already pointed out, if I'm told that I will receive demerit points, that the cost of my insurance will go up, that my car may be taken away from me for 24 hours and that I will have to pay to get it back, because I am impaired…