Well, yes; there's no repeat offender there.
That penalty doesn't deter them, so how do we reach these people who continue to drive without a licence or without insurance? They have an alcohol problem. We need new ways to reach these people. It isn't the penalty as much as it is that they're going to get caught and they're going to be prosecuted.
In Ontario and Quebec and other provinces we have moved into other ways to prevent them from buying vehicles. For example, you have to have a driver's licence today to register a vehicle in your name, so if they get caught, they can't just go and buy a $1,000 vehicle and get back on the road without a licence or insurance. They can't do that quite as easily as they once could.
We need to look at ways to keep these people off the road until they have beaten the problem they have, which is alcoholism or impaired driving.
Thank you.