Perhaps what I can do is separate out the two issues. The first issue is the drug testing. If I'm pulled over and I acknowledge that I have a drug in my body, whether it's a beta blocker or I took cold medication, I don't see the police demanding from people who acknowledge having taken cough syrup that they do a field sobriety test. The law as written is broad and would allow that, but I see no reason why the officers would.
If they do give you a standard field sobriety test, then guess what? You're going to pass and they're not going to go on to the DRE. So I'm not concerned about that aspect of it.
The second issue you asked me about is this new offence of being in possession of a drug while driving. My own view is that we have to get the message out there to young people that drugs and driving don't mix. Driving after drug use has increased among youths. They are the most vulnerable segment of the population. Impaired driving collisions are the number one killer of young people, and it is a matter of concern. To the extent that this legislation gets the message out that drugs and driving don't mix, I think it plays some role.
Do I view this legislation of the offence as being vital or the most important part of the legislation? I do not. We are not as wedded to that particular provision as we are to some of the others. I still think it's the right messaging.