No, there is not, actually. The coroners will do testing of persons who are deceased. We look at any fatality or serious crash to try to get as much evidence as we can to see if in fact there is some impairment or what the cause of the crash is, as we would with any investigation. But to say that there's a policy that we can actually test people—we still have to fall under the Criminal Code, and in order for us to go forward with an impairment investigation, there have to be some indicators that the person may be impaired. And that may be something as simple as having a paramedic say they smell liquor on the person's breath or that when they were putting them in a gurney they found illicit drugs on them. If we can tie any indicia into that to corroborate it, that enhances our investigation and we can go forward, but if there's nothing, unfortunately our hands are tied.