I appreciate Monsieur Ménard's warm and fuzzy collaboration in trying to get this business done, and I always think it's a good idea to try to do the clause-by-clause at the same time as you study it, rather than having a three-month gap when you can kind of forget.
But in this case, there is no tactical procedural advantage other than that to be gained by doing this on Monday as opposed to Tuesday. The House is simply not going to be able to get it dealt with before we come back in the fall, so I don't see any need to rush it. It would be a useful thing to have all of the members, where there are amendments, prepare them. I may have one or two myself. I find the Monday date a bit rushed for that purpose, and Tuesday would be more suited to me. If we're sitting on Tuesday, we can do it.
I appreciate the sentiment and the wishful thinking lying behind Monsieur Ménard's intervention, but I personally would rather be ready to do work. My own personal work on this, to the extent that it exists, will be ready for Tuesday or the fall or Thursday, should that eventuality mature as well.