Thank you very much for your presentation. I think it's quite clear.
I want to go back to something. You've explained the road sobriety test; you've explained the DRE. What I would like to know is, clearly, if an officer sees a car in motion, and it's weaving or it's gone through a stoplight or it hasn't made a complete stop when turning a corner, then that could raise suspicions that possibly the driver is impaired. However, there are many occasions where the driver is actually stopped for a completely different reason—for example, the licence plate has not been renewed, a tail light is broken—what most people would consider to be a minor infraction.
At that point, the police officer has no reason to believe that the individual who's behind the wheel is impaired; however, things could happen while the officer is conducting his normal police routine, which is getting the licence, the driver's permit, the car registration, in order to fill out the ticket, and at some point he may become suspicious that the driver is impaired.
Unless we're talking about the individual being stopped because of the actual way in which the car is being driven or because a call has come in saying, “I saw a car weaving”, or whatever, if the car has been stopped for nothing to do with impairment, on what basis would a police officer be legally permitted to ask the driver to step out of the car and to submit that driver to the road sobriety test, first, under alcohol, and second, under the case of suspicion of drug impairment or some form of impairment?