Mr. Chairman, before we study the motion, would Mr. Bagnell allow me to take 30 seconds?
Before we study the motion, I simply want to consult the government members out of a concern for honesty. Our leaders are confident that the session will adjourn on Monday. You know how everything is unpredictable at the end of a parliamentary session: that's an assumption. I'm ready to vote. My doubts have been resolved this morning. We are in favour of the bill. We will probably have an amendment to submit.
If ever the government wanted... I don't know what my colleagues think; I only consulted Ms. Freeman. I think there's some flexibility among my Liberal colleagues. If there were a risk that we could not meet on Tuesday, and if the committee gave us permission to meet on Monday, I would be ready to do so. I tell you that because our leader believes that the session will be adjourned on Monday, because the budget has been passed. There's not a lot of unfinished business, and our leaders believed that the adjournment will be Monday evening.
If ever the government wants to close this file, I can say that I am pleased with the answers I have obtained this morning. I hope to read the memo as soon as possible. If ever there were a consensus, I would not object to the committee meeting perhaps Monday afternoon, because there are people coming from other ridings. I'm two hours from Montreal. If ever the session is not adjourned and the government just wants to continue the work in September, there's no problem. I'm telling you what my leader told me Monday evening.