When we deleted this section, we were guided in large measure by the advice we received from our regulation section when we advised them that there is a great deal of DRE material that may already exist under the International Association of Chiefs of Police and that gets amended from time to time when they receive new advice from their medical and scientific panels. They may suggest a different way of doing the test.
It is certainly not the intention to prevent this from being scrutinized, but if we are able to incorporate, by reference, the International Association of Chiefs of Police norms, then we don't have to go through the regulation-making process in order to change three words or one test when they've done it. That is certainly our intention. Since we haven't met with the drafters of the regulations yet so they can go over what material we have from the International Association of Chiefs of Police, I don't know whether it's going to work out that way. But that's what we're intending.