Some of the jurisdictions in the States, as Mr. Yost was mentioning, do have that implied consent legislation within their motor vehicle law. Canada will be different in the sense that right in the Criminal Code there will be a demand, the same way there is a breath demand. The draft legislation is modelled on the demands for breath samples. So at the screening level, the officer will be able to demand the roadside sobriety tests. At the next level--if the person fails those--the officer will be able to demand the DRE program evaluation back at the station. That is similar to the demand that is made for a breath sample on an approved instrument back at the station.
So at each step we've tried to parallel the breath-testing regime, which is used for investigations of over 80 alcohol offences, and we've done that for the purposes of investigating offences under paragraph 253(a), regarding driving while impaired by a drug.