I see a problem with it in that we're talking about these instruments that a case could be built on. We've heard testimony about the accuracy and the improvements that have been made. Now, Ms. Jennings' amendment would say “is checked for accuracy on a regular basis and has been maintained according to the manufacturer's guidelines”. My understanding of what Mr. Yost had said is that sometimes these aren't the guidelines that are in place; there may be more stringent maintenance guidelines that the committee recommends.
So for us to say this...I don't think Ms. Jennings may know the exact impact of her amendment. I don't know the far-reaching impact. But we do know that this body of law on impaired driving takes an inordinate amount of room in the Criminal Code, and this may be opening up problems that we don't foresee. I've pointed out a few of the problems--one, that this is not the practice that's in place right now, “the manufacturer's guidelines”.
Mr. Yost, do you have anything to add to that?