With the drug evaluation, blood pressure is a key component because of the seven drug categories. They do cause the blood pressure to react. The clinical indicators are different. For alcohol, because there's a presumptive level, of course, there's a breath sample taken, and that suffices.
The capability to do the videotaping in small centres and, again, in large centres is not there. The cameras that are used for videotaping interrogations are fixed. The person sits in a position where they can be viewed. We capture more than trying to write it down. We've gone from a tape recorder to videos. But because the person is not going anywhere, it's an effective and efficient way to do things.
With the evaluation, I was asked by a colleague when they read the blues on this...the analogy I gave was an instant replay in sports. Professional sports have spent millions of dollars. Look at hockey. They've put cameras in a position to cover a goal net to see if the puck went across, and they're still not getting it right. They're looking for one thing, with cameras focused right on that little area.
We're dealing with an evaluation where we cover 15 feet with the walk and turn test. We are in a dark room, as was pointed out by Mr. Yost, so you would have to have an infrared camera that is portable so that you could capture the eyes. In order to take the blood pressure, it depends on what you're looking for. If you want to watch how the blood pressure is actually taken or if you want to watch the gauge to see what the readings are, the camera would have to be right up close in order to read that.
We are in the process of redoing the videos. We're having some significant issues with the amount of time it's going to take, simply because of the different angles that we have to have to capture everything, and then to put it together. I think if you were going to videotape for court purposes, you would have to have the same multiple cameras that even with the large centres are not practical.