I'm not in favour of the amendment that's being proposed by Mr. Moore. When I was a parliamentary secretary myself in different portfolios, it was my duty to keep my colleagues, not just in my own party but also the opposition parties, informed as to the government's agenda, the government's intention, in the particular portfolio for which I was responsible. It was not necessary for me to sit on the subcommittee on agenda and procedure and I did not sit on the committee.
I also recall, as have Mr. Lee and Monsieur Ménard, the vehement debates that took place in different standing committees in previous Parliaments where first the Reform Party, predecessor to the Canadian Alliance, then the Canadian Alliance, successor to the Reform Party, then the Conservative Party, successor to the Canadian Alliance, mounted arguments to ensure that parliamentary secretaries to the then-governing party were not part of the composition of the subcommittee on agenda and procedure. That did not preclude the liberty of the governing party to designate someone else among the members of the party if their member of the subcommittee on agenda and procedure was unable to be there. And it might have been the parliamentary secretary, but that person was not part of the composition.
I'm not in favour of Mr. Moore's proposal.