Thank you. I did want to ask questions to both Kim and Barbara.
I take it that the background of your organization's beginning was the seal hunt. That was the original purpose of your existence? You have expanded since then, obviously.
Regardless of what your position on that issue may be--whether you're in support of the seal hunt or whether you're opposed to it--folks make strong arguments on both sides of the case as to whether it should or whether it shouldn't happen. I wonder if that isn't a reasonably good example of the difficulties we face here in trying to move this forward, because in some respects, unless we move all the way to the legislation that you as an organization prefer, you're not going to come here supportive of it. Likewise, if we go too far the other way, we're going to have organizations that wouldn't support it at all because of the damage it would do to their industry or their business or what have you.
I wonder if you can comment on that, because I'd like to think that our responsibilities are to try to find some common ground here and work through this. It seems to me that you've taken a position that makes it extremely difficult to pass legislation that even the other folks sitting at the table would support.