At this point what we're looking at is that in order to get a person who's addicted into a change process, the context has to be not as repressive as it is right now. That's one point.
Second is that—even though I hate to say this, because in fact they should be responsible—if it's too costly, they won't do it, because generally they're poor.
The third thing is that probably we need to look at more mechanical means, such as interlock devices. If somebody can't remember, then you'd better have an apparatus in the car that at least stops that person from driving when they're drunk.
In fact, we're doing it for people.... Once you're 75 years old...I don't know the exact age, my data is not clear on that. But when you're increasing in age, you have to be tested every year, because we do acknowledge that not everybody can drive a car. Some people are 40 years old and they can't drive a car. Probably we're going to have to become more sophisticated with that, and implementing that is very difficult. Maybe we should look at how we make sure our cars don't start when people are drunk.
At this point, the results we're getting with the folks we're seeing.... Also we did qualitative studies; we spoke to them and we asked them how they viewed these things. We did this blind, and I was able, by reading the answers of these people, to know if they were recidivists or not, because the more they're recidivists, the less they see themselves as responsible or see that they can put other peoples lives in danger.
We had people who had been arrested once, and you have this clear statement, “Thank God I didn't kill anybody. And even if I'm paying $4,000, it's not a lot, because I didn't kill anybody”. You know this person is not a recidivist.
On the other end of the spectrum you have the folks who, of course, are responsible for a large fraction, and we need to be able to.... I'm going to say this, I hope it sounds right. Ideally, I would like to beat these people, but I know it won't work. We're going to have to think of a means to protect us against them.